WSJ: A Booming Economy Will Challenge the Fed

Normal growth will drive up the demand for bank loans and induce lending of excess reserves. By Phil Gramm and Thomas R. Saving Dec. 13, 2017 6:37 p.m. ET The asset base of the world’s financial institutions crumbled in the fall of 2008 as mortgage-backed securities collapsed and credit markets froze....
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WSJ: Don’t Be Fooled by ‘Secular Stagnation’

American exceptionalism hasn’t come to an end, and we needn’t settle for 2% economic growth. What the U.S. needs is policies like Reagan’s, not Obama’s. By Phil Gramm and Michael Solon Dec. 1, 2017 6:40 p.m. ET The only sound basis for gauging the potential impact of public-policy changes is through...
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Republicans, Stand Up for Health Freedom

As a precondition for any bailout deal, families should be permitted to opt out of ObamaCare. By Phil Gramm Oct. 18, 2017 6:17 p.m. ET While there is plenty of blame to go around for Republicans’ inability to repeal and replace Obama Care, the effort was all but doomed as...
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