WSJ: Why This Recovery Is So Lousy

Don’t believe the line that slow growth is inevitable after financial crises. Bad policies yield bad results. By PHIL GRAMM and MICHAEL SOLON Aug. 3, 2016  Donald Trump has been criticized by Democrats and Republicans alike for saying that “the American dream is dead.” But instead of slaying the messenger,...
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WSJ: The Subprime Superhighway

The U.S. and Europe are lowering capital standards for ‘investments’ in public infrastructure—ignoring the lessons from 2007-08. By, Phil Gramm More government spending, particularly for infrastructure projects, is the mantra in Washington and other capitals. But two factors stand in the way. First, the governments of most developed economies are...
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WSJ: The Great Recession Blame Game

Banks took the heat, but it was Washington that propped up subprime debt and then stymied recovery By Phil Gramm and Michael Solon April 15, 2016 When the subprime crisis broke in the 2008 presidential election year, there was little chance for a serious discussion of its root causes. Candidate Barack...
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WSJ: Cheer Up, Obama’s Legacy Can Be Erased

The White House rammed through an agenda that could be quickly undone by a Republican president. By PHIL GRAMM And MICHAEL SOLON Dec. 20, 2015 4:06 p.m. ET President Obama seems to aspire to join Franklin Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan as one of the three most transformative presidents of the past hundred...
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