WSJ: How ‘Border Adjustment’ Poisons Tax Reform

The House’s 20% import fee is political industrial policy that will convulse the economy. Better to follow the 1986 model. By Phil Gramm The goal of tax reform is to collect revenues while reducing the distorting influence that taxes impose on economic efficiency and growth. The 1986 tax reform stripped...
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WSJ: Replace ObamaCare, Don’t Rename It

Trying to cure all the program’s ills will only make them worse—and the GOP will get the blame. By PHIL GRAMM Feb. 2, 2017 7:23 p.m. ET So powerful is the political appeal of entitlement programs that modern democracies routinely choose bankruptcy over curtailing them. That’s even true of ObamaCare....
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WSJ: Preserve the Filibuster—Then Overcome It

The Senate’s 60-vote threshold is a bulwark of freedom. Instead of nuking it, the GOP should defund Obama’s agenda. By PHIL GRAMM and MICHAEL SOLON Jan. 6, 2017  American voters responded to President Obama’s failed recovery and government overreach by giving Republicans control of the White House, Senate and House....
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WSJ-What 1980 and 2016 Have in Common

Like the Reagan and Thatcher revolutions, Trump and Brexit are reactions to stagnation. By MICHAEL SOLON Dec. 11, 2016 4:17 p.m. ET Just as Margaret Thatcher’s ascendance in 1979 foreshadowed Ronald Reagan’s in 1980, so the British vote to exit from the European Union earlier this year presaged Donald Trump’s...
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