WSJ: Clinton’s Example for Biden

Like the 1994 election, voters have chosen divided government—and issued a mandate for compromise. By Phil Gramm and Mike Solon Nov. 17, 2020 1:06 pm ET Republicans and Democrats campaigned on very different platforms this year, and the American people seem to have had their own agenda. By electing a divided government, Americans...
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WSJ: Bidenomics Failed the First Time

Claims that he’ll spur growth ignore that his policies are a repeat of the stagnant Obama years. By Phil Gramm and Mike Solon Nov. 1, 2020 2:06 pm ET No candidate for president with a legacy of 36 years in the Senate and eight in the West Wing should need an economic projection...
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WSJ: What Evidence Is There of Big Tech’s Harm?

As we are aware, no one has demonstrated that consumers have been harmed by the dominance of American tech companies. Sept. 23, 2020 5:01 pm ET In “Breaking Up or Better Regulating Big Tech?” (Letters, Sept. 21), Rep. Ken Buck calls the analysis in our article “The Misguided Antitrust Attack...
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WSJ: The Misguided Antitrust Attack on Big Tech

Antitrust action would sap the benefits top companies have brought to consumers and ordinary investors. By Phil Gramm and Jerry Ellig Sept. 14, 2020 7:13 pm ET Despite the many troubles of 2020, Congress has made more time than ever this year to target a different purported threat: America’s tech giants. This month...
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