Category Archives: Uncategorized

WSJ-Regulators May Sink America’s Banks

A credit-tightening increase on capital standards won’t help the American economy. By Jeb Hensarling and Michael Solon Updated June 22, 2023 7:29 pm ET In response to this year’s failures of midsize banks, the Biden administration—through the Federal Reserve, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. and the Comptroller of the Currency—is...
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WSJ-The Real Stakes of the Debt-Ceiling Fight

Unrestrained spending would crowd out private economic activity and risk triggering a recession. By Phil Gramm and Mike Solon May 21, 2023 5:04 pm ET House Speaker Kevin McCarthy last month mustered the votes for a bill to raise the debt ceiling, thanks in no part to his Democratic colleagues. His victory shifted the topography...
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WSJ-Biden Is Transformational, and Not in a Good Way

His regulatory barrage and failed Progressive-era policies imperil economic exceptionalism in the U.S. By Phil Gramm and Pat Toomey April 24, 2023 1:14 pm ET From Wall Street to Silicon Valley, from the Permian Basin to the Chicago Loop, an iron net of regulation has descended across the American economy. Churchill’s metaphor conveys...
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WSJ-The Global Minimum Tax Shakedown

Biden is holding Congress hostage: Impose the levy, or see foreign nations seize American profit anyway. By Phil Gramm and Mike Solon April 6, 2023 6:34 pm ET The Biden administration wants to make the world safer for tax increases. That’s the message the White House has sent by enjoining the Organization for...
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WSJ-The Reagan Revolution Was Built on Compromise

Some GOP lawmakers have forgotten that politics is about what’s possible, not what’s perfect. By Phil Gramm Feb. 22, 2023 4:54 pm ET Nowhere have Republicans done themselves more harm than in debasing the GOP’s brand as the party of fiscal responsibility, less government and more freedom. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s effort...
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WSJ-The SEC Seeks to Supplant the Market

Its mandate doesn’t include telling CEOs how to run their companies and investors how to invest. By Phil Gramm and Hester Peirce Jan. 19, 2023 3:16 pm ET When the financial crisis ended in the summer of 2009, economic prognosticators were virtually unanimous in predicting a strong, sustained recovery. But Obama-era regulatory policy...
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WSJ-Upward Mobility Is Alive and Well in America

Studies show the vast majority of adults have higher income than their parents did. By Phil Gramm and John Early Jan. 6, 2023 1:20 pm ET Is the American Dream in peril? Collectivists say yes and point to rising inequality of income. But they don’t understand the question. A commitment to equality of...
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